Estimados visitantes de RentMen: MatiasNYC eligió responder 5 preguntas de la entrevista que fueron actualizadas por última vez el 15 Mar 2018.


  • ¿Qué haces para divertirte?
    Gym, theater, shopping, travel, read, explore new places.
  • ¿Cuál dirías son tus mayores atributos?
    My private parts lol!! I believe my way to communicate with others is one of my greatest attributes; as communication student it is important for me to communicate well with others.
  • ¿Con qué frecuencia viajas? ¿Prefieres viajar o eres una persona hogareña?
    I absolutely looove to travel, if it was up to me I will travel every month. But normally I travel every 4 months or so.
  • ¿Qué tipo de dieta y rutina de ejercicios sigues?
    I usually go to the gym 3-4 times a week, depending on how busy I am with school work and I don't follow any specific diet but I try to stay away from fried food.
  • Si nos sentamos en la playa, a beber y comer solo tú y yo, ¿qué me contarías de tu persona y tu vida?
    I will tell you about my future goals and what I'm doing in order to achieve them because there is nothing we can change about our past but we can always better ourselves, learn from our mistakes and plan for a better future.